Amintiri din copilărie

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Amintiri din copilărie. Dănilă Prepeleac. Povestea lui Harap-Alb
Author: Ion Creangă
Adapted by: Cătălina Sas, Bianca Boandea
ISBN: 978-606-94827-7-3 (print)
978-606-94827-8-0 (PDF)
978-606-9691-02-1 (EPUB)
978-606-9691-05-2 (MOBI)
Publishing date: 30.06.2020
Format: 110mm x 180mm
Pages: 108

B - Mediu In addition to Amintiri din copilărie, the main literary work of Ion Creangă, this book includes two other stories: Dănilă Prepeleac and Povestea lui Harap-Alb.
This edition, part of the Romanian Easy Readers series, is written in simplified Romanian, suitable for readers with intermediate Romanian language skills. The book contains also vocabulary footnotes and comprehension questions at the end of the chapters.

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E-version – PDF, E-version (PDF+EPUB+MOBI), Print – Paperback


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